Customer Testimonials

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Gave good advice prior to my move on how to pack to save money. My quote matched my actual move price. Also gave me free boxes in advance. The men worked efficiently. I recommend and would use them again to move.
Patrice C.
It was a very smooth move, the guys were great! I have no complaints and I would absolutely use them again.
The mover was a pleasant man, when we agreed upon his price, we arranged for two days for him to pack the few things and load his truck..and then for him to drive to CT from NJ to deliver. I knew I needed extra time in NJ to prepare for his arrival, so I mentioned I would arrive in NJ the day before his first day. He then asked if he could come that day too, to begin packing. Thinking this would not interrupt my work, I agreed. When he arrived, however, he asked many questions, made a good deal of noise (I was working online line also), and set himself up where he was continually in the way of my daughter and myself. When he arrived with his packing crew the next day.. the day he was supposed to pack and load, I told him I was not pleased with his interruptions the previous day. He took offense and appeared to be less enthusiastic about this job. It made me uncomfortable that he would have many valuable things in his care. The following day he met us at the storage fac ility to deliver my things in CT. There was just one other man to help him which fortunately for him he had no stairs, elevators or wait to pack the things 8n a garage-like space. In addition, when he priced this job, it included a 7 foot designer sofa. I alerted him after I agreed to his price of my deleting this large and heavy item. When he arrived the first day, I asked him if he would re-price the job and he said, no. I am glad my things arrived in CT. He was satisfactory in that regard, however I felt quite nervous the whole time and dismayed over the price. I tipped him low due to this.