Customer Testimonials

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Above and beyond any moving company in the area - these professional people are the best. No comparison whatsoever. I've had quotes from around the area and these are the most honest people around. I've had their competitors change quotes and obligations after the fact. Too late to do anything about it when you're moving and they know it. These are the pros if you're thinking about moving or relocating to another state. Highly recommend.
John S.
I contacted Lee's because my family moved to a new house when my daughter was three weeks old, and I needed help! They packed up our belongings one day, and came the next day to move us into our new home. All four of the men who we worked with were dependable, hard-working, and good-humored. There is nothing fun about moving, and they helped these two days go as smoothly as possible. All of our belongings were packaged very carefully, and they moved all of the boxes to exactly where they needed to go in the new house. I will be recommending Lee's to all friends planning a move in the future, and will contact them if we are ever stupid enough to move again.
Leslie L.