Customer Testimonials

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Moving is not fun! My job relocated us from Henderson to the Northwest of Las Vegas and I have to say this has been the easiest move while living in Vegas. Originally our friends were going to help us out and we would have been moved out by the weekend. Unfortunately something came up for then and were no longer available. Luckily we decided to look for a good deal and came across New Planet's promotion. They managed to have all our stuff in one afternoon. Glad I called them there is no way we could have carried all that furniture up and down stairs. Great pricing and even better service from start to finish!
Laura D.
Everyone who works here is so amazing and caring. They have been in the Valley for years and I’ve used them multiple times across the years. I’ve moved all around Vegas and they have successfully moved me every time. The men are honest the crew I always ask for is Donny, Jaun, and Pedro they are all super hardworking too. Always on time and always ready to work. If you’re looking for a dependable mover that has vegas roots New Planet are your guys.
Chad B.