Customer Testimonials

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"The entire process was very smooth from booking the movers to the day of logistics. The movers were very professional, worked hard and got all of our furniture moved in less time than was estimated. I would definitely recommend your services to friends and family. Thank you!"
Julia Gay
"From the initial web search, quote, booking, confirmation process to the service date - the whole process was professional and seamless. Staff was courteous, on time, hard working, and enthusiastic! Great Move Day Partners and helped us make a challenging day go so much smoother!!!! Than you all for your Heavy Lifting and Professionalism! Great Team!
Jacqueline Mason
Driver and crews in MN and TX were very polite and respectful. It was very hot at both locations, but the crews worked through the heat and did a great job!
The communication was great throughout the entire process. The person I talked to for pricing was very helpful and not pushy. The driver was courteous and arrived on time both places. Nothing was broke, damaged or lost they did a great job! I would highly recommend this company for a move.