Customer Testimonials

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I had trouble ascertaining the date and time of my delivery, but once the movers arrived, they were very helpful with the unloading and placing of the furniture and boxes where I wanted them put. They spent about an hour taking care of things for me and stowing the shipment items.
The movers could not negotiate our winding steep drive so they called a UHaul, downloaded from the street into a smaller truck and delivered with a positive attitude and a smile. We were more than happy with the whole moving process, start to finish. We would definitely recommend this company! Awesome service.
Great job. Very professional. Friendly & cooperative movers. Punctual. Only one piece of furniture had damage. Job well done. Highly recommend.
The packers, movers, and unloaders were all so nice and did a great job. They were very professional at their job. Unfortunately we do have some breakage
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