Customer Testimonials

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Overall I would say things went well, however I wasn't happy with the delays in getting my stuff loaded. The pickup crew was supposed to notify me by phone the day before when they were coming and nobody called. Since it was a weekend, I was not able to reach anyone in the office, and my sales rep did not answer his work phone, so until they actually showed up I had no idea if they were actually coming or not. Once they arrived, they were very nice & professional, although I could smell beer on the breath of the one in charge toward the end of the loading. Not a good impression. The crew that delivered my things was also very nice & professional for the most part. They did call beforehand to let me know when they were coming, and they were right on time. There were a couple boxes that were crunched, but no damage to the goods inside. So I can't actually say that I would recommend National or use them again; I'd have to think about that.
Overall the move with National was smooth and as expected. The individual movers did a great Job for only two laborers worked hard and certainly performed as expected. So far only found a few items damaged but can probably be fixed. Would use this company again and recommend them. Some mix up at the start with times and appointment times resulting in one day delay. Overall satisfied
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